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2014-06-14 - 5:08 p.m.

Sonia was a young woman with no perspective. She walked into closet walls and tiptoed around the horizon line. Birds landed on the path before her and she opened her hand to catch them like petals. She blew at the smokestacks on a distant freighter. She swatted at shooting stars.

But even more mysterious than this was her lack of aural perspective. Loud sounds seemed close and soft sounds very distant. When the bugler blew from miles away she looked for him beside her, and when a cricket sang on her shoulder she called out to him from between her cupped hands.

One day she realized that the way of seeing the world is the way the world is. And so she took control. She reached out and plucked a tree along the furtherest mountain top. She whistled and it became the sound of the earth's rotation.


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